Exercice 4

* TP1 : initiation au langage C
* Exercice 4 - 24/09/02
* ©2002 All Rights Reserved to www.Software-DS.com

#include <stdio.h>
#define n 7
/* Declaration du prototype */
int f(int x,int i);

int main(void)
printf("La valeur de x est: %d\n",f(1,1));

return 0;
/* ©2002 All Rights Reserved to http://www.Software-DS.com */

int f(int x,int i)
printf(" x=%3d i=%3d\n",x,i); /* facultatif pour afficher les etapes intermediares */

if (i<n)
return f(x*i,i+1);
return x;

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